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11/09/2024 Mandeni Travel Book Download


The Mandeni Municipality has competitive advantages as it presents the untouched natural resources, biodiversity species, historical sites/ events and aesthetic beauty of the pristine coast. The municipality undertakes tourism development with the Ilembe District Municipality and plans to form a tourism association Section 21 company. Mandeni’s coastal location and proximity to the uThukela River provide opportunities to develop its rich cultural heritage.

Among the natural attractions the municipality has to offer, are wetland and forest areas, grasslands and a pristine coastal strip. Mandeni Municipality is strongly committed to develop its character and personality as an area of scenic beauty and strong developmental contrasts. The future of Mandeni is also focused on developing the Municipality’s comparative advantage. Mandeni Municipality is also the home of the Matikulu, Harold Johnson and Ngwenya Nature Reserves. The last of these offers picnic sites and camping trails, and there are approximately 196 recorded species of birds, 132 species of trees and a variety of animals.

Historical & Other Places Of Interest

The municipal area has a very rich historical past.The historical events which occurred in this area include: the Battle of Tugela, which was fought on the slopes of Ndondakusuka in 1838 between a group of settlers from Port Natal under John Cane and Robert Biggar, and an impi of Dingaan’s forces, and the battle of Ndondakusuka in 1856, fought between King Mpande’s sons Cetshwayo and Mbuyazwe; to contest the right of succession to the Zulu throne; and the ultimatum given to King Cetshwayo’s izinduna by the colonial authorities on 11 December 1878 at the Ultimatum Tree on the banks of the Tugela in the Mandeni Municipal area. This led to the invasion of the Kingdom of KwaZulu on 22 January 1879, and the start of the Anglo – Zulu War.

Other sites of cultural and historical interest are Cetshwayo’s Stone in eNdulinde, Nandi’s Kraal, the Swedish Mission south of Tugela, and Mpaphala, where the first registered sangoma lived.

The eNdondakusuka Military Kraal has been established to set out, in particular, the Zulu social and military system. The project includes site clearing at the Ultimatum Tree, Fort Pearson and at war graves, as well as the construction of interpretive, and arts and crafts centres.

Mr Sizwe Khuzwayo
Municipal Manager

Tel: 032 456 8201
Tel: 084 250 3327

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